For those of you who haven't seen the video clip of the glory cloud that appeared at a meeting at Bethel Church a few weeks back, click on the link below:
It's humorous to me that the many critics that would normally criticize this as a hoax are silent. How can you argue actual video footage? That was captured by about 50 smart phones???
The truth that grips my heart is that there is much available to believers in Christ. God is waiting to display Himself to the world in weird, funky and mind-boggling ways that will have everyone sit back and say 'Well, we never saw that one coming!' Reports about feathers appearing, jewels and gems appearing, angelic appearances, raining on the inside of buildings, glory clouds, cancers being healed, growths dissolving, eyes opening, ears opening and many more have been accelerating over the past 10 years. And these reports aren't coming from fruit cakes either; guys who just want their faces on TV. They are coming from groups of people who witnessed these wonders first hand.
Christians need to remember that the supernatural life was meant to be lived naturally. I believe that we can fully expect to work with angels and some times see them. We can expect to see the gold dust appearing, feathers falling and bodies being healed when we pray. Who said the present normal is actually normal? I believe that we're actually living below the normal line. What we call normal Christianity is a water-down excuse of a religion that rarely displays any demonstration of His Kingdom. The key to remember though in all of these signs and wonders is that WE don't turn it on or off. HE DOES. The moment Christians feel the pressure to pull a cat out of a hat in order to justify their faith before others; they've tread on unhealthy ground. However, Christians can wake up in the morning like an adventurer who's getting ready to discover new land! We can live in expectation to what Jesus will do in our lives when go about living in the assurance of the finished work of Christ and through me HE can do all things - including make signs that make us all wonder.
Living in the love of mystery is one of the foundations of experiencing the supernatural of His Kingdom.
He has called us all to be signs and wonders in this day and age; to all who meet us and know us. Some will be 'Machine Gun Preachers' (Youtube the movie trailer starring Gerard Butler - true story of a guy whom God saved and used to save lives in Africa.) and some will be Ordinary Joes who see, witness and behold the extraordinary of Jesus in and through their lives!!
I'm excited to see what He's going to do next...