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Tuesday, 10 July 2012

The Good News

Man is evil. Man doesn't want God. Man cannot save himself. God loves man. Only God can save man. God becomes man and enters into man's world. God lives as a man. God dies as a man. God takes all of man's sin upon himself. God pays the penalty and is punished for man's evil. God reconciles man back to himself. Through God dying for man He displays his love for man. Some men turn to God and trust him to save them. Even the faith that man had in God to appropriate this salvation was a gift given by God. Through that trust, man's sins are forgiven, man's relationship to His creator is set right and he is given right standing with God forever. Forever saved, forever secure, forever kept. God has given this to man as a gift. Saved men did nothing to earn this. Saved men can do nothing to dis-earn it.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Election. Predestination. Let's talk...

There's a Christian doctrine held by the Calvinists, the Reformed, that preaches that before the creation of the world, before the creation of this age and dispensation of human history, God chose a specific group of people that would be His. They would be born during the course of history and time. They would have faith given to them as a gift, given so that they would be able to turn to God, believe in His existence and follow him. They would live their lives on earth, accomplish what they desired, whether for God or not, and upon their death they'd go to heaven. That's God's plan for these chosen people. And not even they could "not chose" God. He had chosen them, He would keep them, He would save them. Scripture is full of references that have been interpreted to back up this very popular belief. Read John 10. Theological scholars throughout the ages and even ones today hold onto this particular belief (John Calvin, John Edwards, John Piper, Mark Driscoll).

Let's assume for a moment that this is right. Let's assume this is the case. My question would be?? What about the unchosen?? Like.....what the hell is the point for them actually being born, existing, living...?? Why?? Just so that they can spend an eternity in hell?? Were they just props on earth, bobbing along and around the 'frozen chosen'?? If I were an 'unchosen' I'd rather not be born thank you!! Destined for hell....and I had no choice in the matter?? I didn't even have a right to chose?! A loving God's plan?! Give me a break!

Then there is the other view in scripture, in the same pages of the Bible, that says "whosoever" would believe....In other parts of scripture, it says that "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." This now propagates that the opportunity is open. Anyone and everyone has the option, the CHOICE, to choose God! No one has preference. No one has a "one up" on anyone else. We are all equal and everyone gets to choose for themselves to follow God or not. I like that. I like it better than what the Calvinists believe.

The only problem is inherently evil. Our hearts are wicked. Our propensity is towards satisfying our desires....sexual, greedy, jealous hearts! Who in their right mind would choose a holy, righteous, moral living God? The Bible goes as far to say that all hate God, no one seeks Him or wants Him, no one desires Him or longs to walk in his holy ways. Well, just turn on MTV or Jerry Springer. Pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry in USA alone and growing year on year. Human trafficking, drug smuggling and human violence is on the annual increase. Every thing in our world screams at the fact that yes, the Bible is quite right, about the human heart and its intent NOT to desire Jesus. So free will, hoping people would choose God.....? Who will?? No one. Without God's one would choose God. God, out of his mercy, chooses us. But then, we right back to Calvinism.

I'd be interested to hear what you think.