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Friday, 23 November 2012

Chase the ultimate pleasure!!

This is going to be a really quick post, but a very thought provoking one....

It amazes me as to how many Christians believe that the more depressed and unhappy they are, the more spiritual they are. It's like...the more they subject themselves to things that make them unhappy and miserable, the more they feel like God's pleased with them. It comes from an unbalanced sadistic view on the whole 'die to self' thing that Jesus spoke about.

Listen to me! When God created Adam, he put him into the garden of Eden. EDEN!!!!! Eden means (and please look this up so you know I'm not making this up!!): Bliss, Pleasure, Ultimate Happiness, Paradise. God created man (whom he made to have desires for pleasure) and put him into a ready made place of ultimate pleasure and bliss. God's desire is for you and I to be totally and 100% pleasured, happy satisfied and living a life of bliss. If he didn't, then the beginning would have started very differently. (I know what you thinking....and no, I'm not going there.)

John Piper has a great quote. He says "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." I just love that! When Jesus is the most desirable thing to us and that we find ultimate pleasure and happiness in His presence, on His lap, in Him....then God is most glorified. 

God made us with the desire for pleasure. We all desire pleasure. Our flesh craves counterfeit pleasures all the, more money, bigger house, fancy car, bigger TV, nicer food, whatever....the world is full of so-called 'pleasures' that promise to satisfy the thirst of every man, woman and child. But all these worldly pleasures are really empty. They leave people feeling totally and utterly unsatisfied! WHY?? Because those temporary things were never made to satisfy us. Jesus is the only thing that satisfies a thirsty heart!! (See John 7)

The cool thing is that not only does God want us to find ultimate happiness, fulfilled bliss and pleasure in Him; but we bring Him pleasure and happiness! He loves you. He is crazy about you. He loves to be with you, hang with you, speak with you, garden with you, drive with you, listen to you....He finds His pleasure and happiness in you!! Why do you think God walked with man in the beginning?? To check on Adam? To make sure he was looking after creation?? No way! He walked and talked with Adam and Eve cause he enjoyed it. It warmed his heart. He loved hanging out with them.

If you're a person that chases pleasure, whether you're a believer or not...sooner or later you gotta meet Jesus. There's no high like the Most High! His desire is for you to live in Eden daily, every moment of every day; communing, being, hanging with Him and being eternally and forever satisfied. Aahhhh.......

Go after the ultimate pleasure! Go after Jesus! Enjoy His bliss!

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