I was saved in a Baptist church in 1995. I received good teaching, made good Christian friends and enjoyed a good 'introduction' into the Church. I was loved, encouraged and very happy. A time came when the Lord moved me on and I joined another Christian family where more life long friends were made, I received more valuable teaching and encountered the Lord in new ways.
I've been a believer for 17 years; but it wasn't until about 7 years ago that I really believed that there was MORE to the Christian life than what I had. Up until that point, to me, Christianity was more theoretical and doctrinal than experiential. I loved the study of the Bible, I still do. I would stay up for hours at night ravaging the scriptures; learning, reading, interpreting, soaking and eating the word like my life depended on it. It was an unsatisfied hunger. It was great. It was good. It was right. But a time did come, when I thought "Ok, this is good. But now what?"
The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said "Value revelation more than information." And I can speak and write volumes just on that sentence..........but I won't. :-) But the point was quite simple. And I understood. What I also understood is that Christianity was never meant to be just information; but experimental. Christianity that works manifests in experiences. If I am really saved, I will experience manifestations of fruit that confirms my Christianity. If God really heals the sick, then the sick will be healed when I pray. Prays are answered and if you've been a Christian for any length of time, you will realize that a time comes when you can no longer write things off to coincidence....but rather God interventions when we prayed (and sometimes when we didn't); God moves in our lives and we experience it!! Real Christianity manifests into REAL life, REAL living.
And so, on this journey I've realized that there is a lot of experiences that God has given Christians and wants to give more Christians who desire them.....I guess it's maybe a question of 'Who want's it?' Jesus loves to do things for us. And He's very creative. I mean, we talking about Jesus here. He walked on water. He walked through walls. He fed 5000 people with a handful of food. He raised dead people. He healed the lame, the deaf, the blind and the mute. He loves to do stuff out of the ordinary. And the best part of Christianity is that those who are His are given permission to play the game too; and do the stuff with Him. Yay!! It's not just reserved for those with leadership titles or 'special Christians'. It's for anyone who believes.
Are you keen to move out of your Christian box of what you know of 'traditional' Christianity and believe God for more??? Are you hungry to push the boundaries of what's possible in Jesus?? Read below and see what I mean:
Translocation is biblical. It happened to Paul and Phillip. It happened to Elisha and Enoch. There are testimonies of it happening to believers today.
Check out: www.blogtalkradio.com/preachlikepaul/2012/12/05/translocation-and-the-supernatural-kathryn-and-derek-east
Imagine being in a prayer meeting, your eyes closed, and then suddenly you open them and you're somewhere in China, in a family's home, in their lounge, and you get to share Jesus with them and lead them to Christ and then suddenly you back in the prayer meeting.
Imagine your car breaks down on the way to a city you're traveling to, 300km away, you're late for a meeting, and then when your car starts; and you begin driving, you arrive in that city within 5 minutes. What should of taken you 3 hours has taken you 10 minutes.
Check out: http://healingherald.org
Wouldn't you like to pray for a blind man and to see his eyes open? Wouldn't you like to pray for a guy with one amputated leg and see it grow? Wouldn't you like to pray for a lady in a wheel chair and see her walk?
Healing is increasing and happening more frequently around the earth today more than ever. More Christians are realizing that they too can pray for the sick and diseased and see the kingdom come in their lives!
Check out: www.jesusculture.com/m/testimonies/angelic-visitation-jordan-dimarco
People get very nervous when believers speak of angels. Hahaha. They think those believers are slipping into 'New Age' stuff and rather distance themselves from those weirdos! The fact is that angels are quite evident throughout the New Testament. There are many accounts of interactions, appearances and visitations in the book of Acts.
Just imagine with me....Imagine you're walking through a shop and you see an angel standing behind a cripple woman in a chair with a sign in it's hand saying "Pray for Her"? Imagine you're driving alone to a city and suddenly an angel appears in your passenger seat and begins to speak to you about Jesus, heaven and salvation for the nations?
Check out: spiritlessons.com/dreams_and_visions/Angelic_Visitation.htm
There is a great fear in the Church of deception and the fear of being lead astray; and this has resulted in Christians being content with where they are. Instead of expecting encounters, living in the supernatural; they are power-less and experience-less. Their Christianity is mere memorization of scripture and church attendance. But there is so much more...
Am I advocating that we chase after experiences? No. I'm advocating that we meed to chase after Jesus and expect Him to demonstrate the impossible in our lives. I'm advocating that we move from stale bread, mundane religion INTO a Christianity that is saturated with experiences, power and the glory of God. Jesus gets no glory from the mundane.
I am hungry for more. I believe heaven is full of stuff we can't even think of or imagine. Jesus told us to pray for heaven to come on earth. For heaven to invade earth. What do you think that means?? Do you think there are angels in heaven?? Do you think there is healing and health in heaven?? Do you think we travel by foot only in heaven?? Hehehe....
Let's go big!
I love your passion, Ross! The supernatural coming naturally...